Week 11

Throughout the semester, I have learned a wealth of very valuable information. Starting off the bat, I didn’t know how useful these sites and programs can be to getting my name out there in regards to the job market. Now that I have this curriculum under my belt, I can compete more aggressively in the job market and for future internships.

I do not see college as life training, I view it as something that hones my life skills, i good ways as well as bad. I do however view it as job training. If one attended college and then did not try to take a job in his or her related field, then what would be the point of spending a fortune on education. For example, if I am a biology major, then I am being educated on how to become a successful biologist.

Week 11

My view on social media has definitely changed over the course of the class. I never really new how in depth you can go with social media. It can even help you with job opportunity’s in the future.

I can see college as life-trainning more than job-trainning. Yes, you are learning to perfect  your craft that you will be doing for the rest of your life, but I do believe you are learning life values. You are learning to live on your own and are faced with responsibilities that you yourself must deal with. It is also the stage where you are becoming an adult and must overcome challenges from all different directions.

Week 10

In this week’s assignment we created a screencast for our cooltool. My cooltool was quizlet. I made a screencast explaining how quizlet works and all of the benefits it has. This assignment is a great way for people to understand different cooltool’s and the benefits they provide.

Week 9

As the new season of the NBA is beginning, there is always a controversy over the different types of fans. My meme had to do with the fans that follow LeBron James. They started off as Cavalier’s fans then moved to Heat fans and now back to Cavalier’s fans. My meme consisted of the Willy Wonka meme that stated “you were a Miami Heat fan and now you are a Cavaliers fan? Tell me how you don’t follow LeBron James”. The message I was trying to convey is supposed to be funny because a lot of the LeBron James followers get extremely angry. I think this weeks assignment was fun and allowed us to show our creative side.



Week 8

With today’s assignment I learned that you can do much more than just looking stuff up on google. We were able to create our own site. I think it is a great tool because it also allows you to see other templates that are available in case you are unsure of what you want to do. It allows you to use different categories to ensure you can find exactly what makes you happy. Here is a link to my cool tool and my google site.



Week 6

I believe we do need to keep the copyright law because it would be unfair if the original authors lost credit for the work that he/she created. When it comes to the length of the copyright date, I still believe that it should last forever unless the author says otherwise because again they are the original creators who deserve the credit. I think that remixing and plagiarism are somewhat similar but remixing is not as bad. I believe that remixing is taking someones work and putting your own twist on it which is not always right but it is not as bad as plagiarism that could be taking someones work word for word.

Week 5

This week we created an account for Symbaloo. I learned how we could turn the space given to us into an information dashboard and also to collect information that we could reach daily to keep up professionally. I then explored a Forbes magazine that was about the worlds hottest app. While exploring there twitter page, I found two different accounts that I thought were interesting and found to be trustworthy. This weeks assignment was a great way to learn how different sites work with gathering information.

Week 4

For this weeks assignment I learned how to use the different tabs on diigo like: the highlighter, the bookmark, the sticky note and the share tab. These different tools allow you to get a better understanding of the topic because of the different ways it helps you study. Also we created a Bitly account that shortens link for quicker access.

Week 3

I learned that the understanding of the RRS feed will allow you to access all of your social media accounts with the click of a button. This is a great tool that will save you a ton of time.

After graduation I am hoping to have a secured job that I like and will benefit me financially. In this field I will continue to learn new things everyday and this will further my education.